How To: Implement MixCast SDK for Unity
The MixCast SDK for Unity enables you and your users to create powerful and memorable content from your VR (and with 2.5.0, Tilt Five!) application in minutes. Installation is designed to be painless and can be tested without leaving the editor. MixCast also gives developers unprecedented power to customize and enhance how their users’ experiences are presented, from render event hooks and capture triggers to components and scripts that give more control over which elements and effects appear in the experience.
This document contains a number of resources to help you with all aspects of the MixCast SDK:
- Technical Requirements
- Getting Started
- Recommended Next Steps
- Further Customization
- Additional Information
If you’re having issues with your integration, see if our troubleshooting page has the answer! If not, you can try our community discussion on Discord or open a support ticket.