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In addition to the VR platforms that MixCast supports as Tracking Systems, MixCast also now supports getting tracking information from OptiTrack installations.

If running Motive locally on your capture machine, MixCast will automatically communicate with it while it’s running. If the setup uses a host machine, MixCast can read the required connection parameters from a configuration file located at My Documents/MixCast/Config/OptiTrack.json with the following format:

   "ConnectionType" : "Unicast",
   "LocalAddress" : "X.X.X.X",
   "ServerAddress" : "X.X.X.X",
   "ServerCommandPort" : 1510,
   "ServerDataPort" : 1511

Once active, MixCast will supply any defined OptiTrack RigidBodies as Tracked Objects to be used for tracking your camera or subject!