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When working with MixCast to create a more tailored content creation process (contact us for details!), you’ll likely need to supply the MixCast client with additional information about what’s occurring in your experience. The MixCast SDK provides a simple, one-step C# interface to send an “Experience Event” from your title to the MixCast Client for processing. Firing these events has virtually no performance impact, and can be done without concern for the current status of the user’s MixCast system (such as checking for the MixCast Client’s presence).

Using C#

Call the following function:

void MixCastSdk.SendCustomEvent(string eventStr)

If your event doesn’t have any variables, your eventStr should just be a unique Event ID of your choice. Example:


If your event has variables, your eventStr should have the format: eventId(arg1Val,arg2Val,arg3Val). Example:

MixCastSdk.SendCustomEvent(string.Format("damageTaken({0})", amountOfDamageTaken));
//ex: MixCastSdk.SendCustomEvent("damageTaken(12.5)");